Tuesday, November 8, 2011

37 weeks pregnant!!

I am 37 weeks pregnant.  I have 20 days until my official due date, which really means, she can come any day now.  We are mostly ready for her to be here; just trying to get done with my last few projects.  I have been having a feeling that she is going to come earlier than expected, so I guess now it is just a waiting game.  I have started dilating, but that doesn't really mean too much.  I have an appt tomorrow, so we will see how things are progressing then.
I don't like this part of pregnancy at all.  I look and feel like a whale, and everything I do is just uncomfortable.  It is even hard to sleep because my back just hurts so bad.  but somehow, I am still making it through. I am still going to Messiah practice;  I am still doing all my duties at church; I am still working on a ton of projects; and I recently started school this last week. I have a lot on my plate while also being pregnant and having a two year old.  It is hard, but so worth it.  As much as I don't like pregnant, I am so excited for the outcome and can't wait for Baby Maddy to get here.  We are also so excited about Amilee having a sister and just seeing Amilee interact with her.  Amilee loves babies, and she is always trying to help their moms out with whatever they are doing, so I am excited/intrigued about how she will act with the new baby.

So now begins the waiting game!!!

1 comment:

Kylie C. said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I can't wait to see pictures! Please post them asap. Miss you.