Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's a Cheesecake Kind of Night!!

I have been wanting to make cheesecake, and today was the perfect day!  I get to make some for my friend Montez, who recently had a baby and loves cheesecake and I get my craving fix all in one!! A couple of weeks ago I tried to make a peanut butter chocolate cheesecake with a strawberry jam drizzle and it turned out delicious!!!! we had Gene and Montez over to sample it.  gene and Montez are in our ward, and are a little bit older than us, but we love them!! we try to do a nice dinner date once a month with them, and more often if we can.  Here they are....

and they recently had a baby girl...Olivia she is....

So beautiful!! so needless to say, this was a perfect time to make cheesecake.  Montez loves cheesecake!! she has tried like every cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory!! it is pretty funny!  but I can't wait to go over there hopefully tomorrow to see them and their new baby girl!! so exciting!! pictures of the cheesecake coming soon!! 

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