Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day Seven...I think

A picture of your most treasured item

Okay, so I have three...and two are people....

First item...The Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is a huge part of my life.  It keeps me grounded; it is filled with answers to all my thoughts, issues, problems.  It brings peace into my life.  I find my life is different when I am more diligent at reading this book.  but it is more than just a book; it is a part of me.  I know it is true.  I know a lot people outside of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints give a lot of flack about this book, but I know if they were to read it to find out if it is true, they would find out it is true.  I did that; I read it and the spirit of the Lord touched me to know it is true.

The second item/person is my husband Samuel.
So don't look at the pants, but this is Samuel doing a demonstration of his favorite thing to do.  He loves to shoot paintball! It's his hobby...and as much as it bothers me sometimes, I love him for it.  He is my heart and soul and I love him so much.  He makes me very happy and I enjoy all our moments together.  I am so happy that I was able to meet him and fall in love with him.  He is wonderful and  I love watching him with Amilee.  He is so good with her.  It is great!!!

My lovely girl Amilee!

I love my Amilee.  I love being her mom; she is wonderful!! She is so fun and has the cutest personality.  I am so happy that she is a really good baby and never really has any problems.  She learns so much everyday and is developing so well!! I can't believe she is 15 months! Time has been flying by!!

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