Saturday, May 26, 2012


Woo-hoo for end of term!! Samuel and I both finished our classes strong!! YAY!!!

Hopefully, we can do a celebratory dinner here soon!! so proud of us and excited for our next batch of classes!!! yay!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Done with sick kids!!!

Okay, well my girls just had/have a cold, so it could be worse!! But two sick girls make a mom's life really hard. They both cried the majority of Tuesday-Thursday....oh man, I thought I was going to lose it!!
I am happy that Amilee seems almost better and Maddyson is on her way too. It is sad seeing them sick too, especially knowing that I can't really do anything for them. Amilee had to miss nursery last Sunday and gymnastics this week and library time since she was sick. Her whole week was messed up. She asked me everyday when we were going to the library. Hopefully we can go Tuesday!!

Love my girls....done with sickness....ready to be back to normal!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Samuel and I

Well Samuel and I have been crazy busy!! Samuel is still working at Costa Vida as the assistant manager and it is going really well.  They are getting into a routine of things.  We are also in our own place and we love it.  We still see Jolene and Steve all the time, and that is nice, but we missed being on our own.  I also loving the girls having a sisters room.  It is so cute.  I just finished my school term, hence, why I haven't been blogging, and Samuel finishes his here at the end of May, so that has kept us very occupied.  I am happy to have a little bit of downtime.  It is really nice, but I am ready to get back into my classes here later on this week.
I stay busy everyday at home with the kids and running our home.  I take Amilee to a few different things during the week and we run errands and a million other things.  It is busy, but I am happy to be at home.  I am okay sacrificing a little income to be at home raising my girls.
My birthday is coming up on Saturday and I think Samuel and I are going to go see a movie and we haven't seen a movie since last summer, so it has been almost a movie! That is crazy!! I am also taking prom pictures for Katie and her friends on Saturday also.  That will be fun.  I am excited for that.
I am taking pictures for a friend's wedding here at the end of the month too.  I am excited to do the whole thing.  It will be awesome.
I am also excited about all of my upcoming sewing projects and endeavors.  I am finishing up a few things for my friends Scarlet and Stephanie, who are both due here in a couple of weeks.  I am almost done, so that is good!!
Samuel can't wait to go paint balling again, but I told him he has to finish up school first.  It is part of his reward for working so hard.

We miss seeing my family, but can't wait to head to Utah when Chris gets home from his mission and to see to see all of our family!! 3 months to go!! can't wait!!

We are so thankful for everything Jolene and Steve have done for us and continue to do for us.  They are such great inlaws and grandparents to our little girls.  Thank you!!

Amilee update!!!

I can't believe my Amilee is 2 1/2 years old!! She is such a big girl!! Amilee is definitely not a baby anymore...she has changed into a beautiful little lady right before my eyes!!
-is super tall! She is taller than most kids that are a year older than her.
-dresses in dresses almost everyday
-is in gymnastics and doing great.  She loves it so much too and it is really fun!
-is a great big sister
-loves rice, chicken, mac and cheese and snacks
-talks all day everyday and is interested in everyone's conversations
-loves to help with everything
-mimics everyone and repeats what everyone says
-is a very busy girl!!

I love me some Amilee so much!! I can't believe the time has just flown by. She is such a great girl, and a girly girl at that. She loves lip gloss and chap stick and high heels and purses and make up and nail polish.  It is so cute!! I love it so much!! i love this little girl.  She is such a helpful big sister and she really does love Maddyson. It is sweet!!  Here are some pics!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Maddyson update

Oh man, how time flies! Maddyson turned five months old on Sunday.  She is such a good baby.  We are very lucky.
Right now, she
-sleeps through the night
-eats rice cereal, bananas and carrots
-rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy...she is a rolling machine!!
-is trying to scoot
-loves to play with her big sister
-has the biggest smile
-is a total momma's girl
-has no hair...well she has a little fuzz, but the first stuff fell out way late!!
-is about to fit into 6 to 9 months clothes!!!

We love Miss Maddyson so much. She is a wonderful addition to our family and I love watching her grow everyday.  I love watching my girls interact.  It is so cute.  I love my sweet girl!! Here are some pics!!