Such a cute girl!! At the end of April, Samuel's nanny and long time family friend, Heidi got married. We were lucky enough to be part of her special day. Chris and Parker came up to Temple Square to watch Amilee, so we could attend the sealing. It was really nice. Here are some pictures I took of Heidi and Don
Jolene also came for the wedding! She watched Amilee while I helped with Heidi's dress and took some pictures!!! Here are so pics!!
We also went to see Tanya and Trevor and Abby!! Here are a couple pics of all the girls
At the end of April, I started back to school for Spring semester, so life got much busier for me. The first few days felt like torture because I wasn't used to leaving Amilee for those long amounts of time. I really enjoyed Spring semester. It was great!!!
Aunt Michelle and Cousin Daniel came to visit with us also. Daniel and Amilee are one month apart and so cute together. Here a few pictures!!!
They love each other!!! Daniel is so cute, and so much bigger than Amilee!!!!
May went by pretty uneventfully. However, for my birthday, we spent the day in Park City and did some shopping and that was really fun. I got a lot of Bath and Body Works stuff, which I love, some new tennis shoes, a new bag and a few other little things. My mom and dad got me nail polish, which I wanted, and a really cute picture frame and we had a nice dinner at my parent's house to celebrate mine and Chris's birthday. It was really nice. Samuel worked outside for grandpa during the day and worked at PJ's at night, while I just went to school and did homework.
Jolene came out in June, while Katie and Rylea were at EFY. We had a great time together. She helped me get started on a quilt for Amilee that I just finished a couple of weeks ago. Jolene, Samuel, Grandpa and Amilee went to Antelope Island one day while I was at school. Here are some cute pics!
Amilee also learned how to crawl and pull herself up onto everything!! She is way fast and can do the stairs and basically everything. She walks around everything too, so someday soon, she will figure out walking~! We are in trouble!! She says dada and it is so cute!!
July has been a bit of a crazy month for us. I went to the dr because my knee was really bothering and found out I needed surgery. So on July 9th, I went in for knee surgery. I got a lateral release done and it has been a slightly rough recovery. I am doing physical therapy and things are coming along. We couldn't really afford for Samuel to take off work during my surgery, so my little brother came and stayed with me to help out with Amilee and while I needed things. My visiting teaching companion Jena came too. I am so grateful to them. I am also grateful for my visiting teachers because they brought dinner the first couple of nights. It helped out so much. Oh in June, I also finished up Spring term and started summer, so while having knee surgery, I still had to keep up with school, and I think I did okay. We went swimming last week with Daniel and Michelle, but I don't have the pictures on my computer yet. It was fun and cute to see them splashing together.
In a couple of weeks, we are moving to Lehi in with my parents and we are really excited for lots of reasons. We need some change and are grateful for this opportunity!! I hope all is well!!!
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